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Miles Ahead Discographical Details

Here are the 16 occurrences of "willie nelson" in the Miles Ahead database. Click on a date for session details. If a row does not list any commercially-issued recordings, then that particular version of the tune is only available on private recordings.

DateLocationTitleDur12" LPCD
February 18, 1970Columbia Studio B, New YorkWillie Nelson (rehearsal (drums))9:19  
February 18, 1970Columbia Studio B, New YorkWillie Nelson (rehearsal)4:25  
February 18, 1970Columbia Studio B, New YorkWillie Nelson (rehearsal)3:46  
February 18, 1970Columbia Studio B, New YorkWillie Nelson (rehearsal)4:37  
February 18, 1970Columbia Studio B, New YorkWillie Nelson (take 1)3:19  
February 18, 1970Columbia Studio B, New YorkWillie Nelson (take 2)7:40 Columbia C5K 86359, Columbia C5K 90926, Sony SICP 431/5
February 18, 1970Columbia Studio B, New YorkWillie Nelson (take 3)10:20 Columbia C5K 86359, Columbia C5K 90926, Sony SICP 431/5
February 18, 1970Columbia Studio B, New YorkWillie Nelson (insert 1)6:30 Columbia C5K 86359, Columbia C5K 90926, Sony SICP 431/5
February 18, 1970Columbia Studio B, New YorkWillie Nelson (insert 2)5:22 Columbia C5K 86359, Columbia C5K 90926, Sony SICP 431/5
February 18, 1970Columbia Studio B, New YorkWillie Nelson (issued composite)9:55Columbia KC 30445, Mobile Fidelity Sound Laboratory MFSL 1-440, CBS/Sony SOPC 57110, CBS/Sony SOPN 99, CBS/Sony 20AP 1405Columbia CK 47036, Columbia C5K 86359, Columbia C5K 90926, Mobile Fidelity Sound Laboratory UDSACD 2150, CBS/Sony 32DP 709, CBS/Sony CSCS 5153, Sony SRCS 9120, Sony SRCS 9718, Sony SRGS 4504, Sony SICP 1222, Sony SICP 20060, Sony SICP 431/5
February 27, 1970Columbia Studio B, New YorkWillie Nelson (remake take 1)10:43 Columbia C5K 86359, Columbia C5K 90926, Sony SICP 431/5
February 27, 1970Columbia Studio B, New YorkWillie Nelson (remake take 2)10:16Columbia KC2 36474, CBS/Sony 38AP 2017/8Columbia C5K 86359, Columbia C5K 90926, CBS/Sony CSCS 5135/6, Sony SRCS 9310/1, Sony SRCS 9761/62, Sony SICJ 30113/4, Sony SICP 431/5, Columbia Legacy 86975 24922
March 7, 1970Fillmore East Auditorium, New YorkWillie Nelson9:36 Columbia C2K 85191, Sony SRCS 2517/8, Sony SICP 4184/85, Sony SICJ 30083/4, Columbia Legacy 86975 24922
April 10, 1970Fillmore West Auditorium, San FranciscoWillie Nelson6:35CBS/Sony SOPJ 39/40, CBS/Sony 28AP 2155/6, CBS/Sony 36AP 1775/6Columbia C2K 65138, Columbia C2S 65138, CBS/Sony 50DP 710/1, Sony SRCS 5717/8, Sony SRCS 9312/3, Sony SRCS 9748/9, Sony SICP 839/40, Sony SICP 4182/3, Sony SICJ 30085/6, Columbia Legacy 86975 24922
April 11, 1970Fillmore West Auditorium, San FranciscoWillie Nelson3:58  
June 20, 1970Fillmore East Auditorium, New YorkWillie Nelson9:21Columbia G 30038, Music on Vinyl MOVLP 1251, CBS/Sony SONP 50356/7, CBS/Sony SOPJ 86/7, CBS/Sony 28AP 2157/8, CBS/Sony 36AP 1777/8Columbia C2K 65139, Columbia 88765 43381, CBS/Sony 50DP 714/5, Sony SRCS 5719/20, Sony SRCS 9121/2, Sony SRCS 9716/7, Sony SICP 841/2, Sony SICP 1223/4, Sony SICP 20061/2, So What Blue SW 006, So What Blue 009/11, Columbia Legacy 86975 24922
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